Storyboard images for Shel Silverstein's "Boa Constrictor"

The content for this lesson comes from the Utah State Language Arts Core, Standard 1, Objective 1. This standard states that students will develop language for the purpose of effectively communicating through speaking, viewing, and presenting. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to speak clearly and audibly with expression in communicating ideas in their storyboard presentation. The students will base their storyboard on a Shel Silverstein poem of their choice.
During this lesson, aspects of Bloom’s Taxonomy will be used. Students will be asked to create, analyze, and interpret a poem/storyboard.
In this part of my lesson, students will use the Internet to search for poems by Shel Silverstein. Specific websites will be provided for them. After picking their favorite poem, students will create a storyboard outline. In the second part of the lesson, students will use clay to build a representation of their poem’s interpretation. They will then take pictures of the representations and incorporate their pictures and chosen text into a video presentation using PhotoStory. This is a good fit with content and pedagogy because students will be able to interpret and express their interpretation of a poem using found or created pictures. In addition, students will make their poem creation “come to life” by creating a storyboard video, which will include incorporating music and narrating the poem text.
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