Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Classroom Technology Inventory

I am completing my first practicum at Deerfield Elementary in a first grade classroom. I was surprised to notice that while this is a really nice school that places a lot of emphasis on the education of the students, there is not a lot of technology involved in the classroom. This is the case at least for the first grade.
In the classroom there is one computer. This is the teacher's personal computer which most students do not get to use. One student, an ELL student who is still learning the alphabet gets to use to practice and work with the alphabet. There is not any specialty software downloaded onto my mentor teacher's computer. The first grade at Deerfield got a projector this year to share between 5 classrooms. Since this is a new feature for the classrooms, most of the teachers do not use the projector very much. The students have scheduled opportunities in the computer lab with a 3 month cycle. The computers in this lab have Kidspiration and Google Earth downloaded onto them for students to use. At this point in the cycle, my class has P.E. and does not get to use computers very often. This means that very little technology is used in their education.
I was impressed that the teachers in the first grade classrooms have microphones to use in the classroom. (Talking with other cohort students at this school who are in other grades, I was able to learn that not all of the grades have this equipment.) The fifth grade got Smartboards for their classrooms this year. Over the next few years, all of the classrooms will be getting this equipment. All the classrooms also have access to I-Clickers.
It is interesting how little technology is used in the classroom with all of the different resources that are available. Hopefully, I will be able to pull a little bit more technology into use with my class.

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